A leading expert in the field of executive assessment. His research led him to the discovery and definition of the theory of Executive Intelligence (ExI). He also developed the ExI Evaluation, a rigorous assessment methodology that doubles the accuracy of traditional best-practice approaches to assessing leaders and managers. As a co-founder of Executive Intelligence Group, he applies the methodology and his deep understanding of executive performance to with clients like Hewlett-Packard, Texas Pacific Group, and Quintiles.
He has received national recognition for his expertise in executive assessment. The book, Executive Intelligence: What all great leaders have (November 2005) and HBR article “Hiring for Smarts” (November 2005) help business leaders understand the truths about what drives executive performance. Justin has chaired master tutorials to train other I/O psychologists in best practice assessment techniques. He was inducted into the Sigma Xi Psychological Honors Society in recognition of his research contributions to the field of psychology.
During his doctoral work at Claremont Graduate University, Justin studied with some of the greatest minds of the 20th century, including Peter Drucker, Michael Scriven and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.
Justin graduated with honors from Haverford College and received his M.A. in psychology from the University of Pennsylvania. He holds a Ph.D. in organizational behavior from Claremont Graduate University.
The final word on what traits make for highly successful managers—and a detailed explanation of how to identify potential standout performers. Executive Intelligence is about the substance...