Books you should read
By Koch, Richard John
Amazon's customers rating
Be more effective with less effort by learning how to identify and leverage the 80/20 principle: that 80 percent of all our results in business and in life stem from a mere 20 percent of our efforts....
Ranking at Amazon 23616
October 1999 - Paperback
Management Skills
Our price: $12.79 (list: $18)
Used from: $1.84
Information updated on 03/19/2020
By Hunt, Andrew
Amazon's customers rating
-- Ward Cunningham Straight from the programming trenches, The Pragmatic Programmer cuts through the increasing specialization and technicalities of modern software development to examine the core...
Ranking at Amazon 43452
Addison Wesley Publishing Company
October 1999 - Paperback
Information Systems
Our price: $45.58 (list: $49.99)
Used from: $15.89
Information updated on 03/13/2020
By Dowis, Richard
Amazon's customers rating
"Splashy slides, confident body language, and a lot of eye contact are fine and well. But if a speech is rambling, illogical, or just plain boring, the impact will be lost. Now everyone can learn to...
Ranking at Amazon 483452
AMACOM - American Management Association
October 1999 - Paperback
Business Communications
Our price: $11.25 (list: $14.95)
Used from: $2
Information updated on 03/19/2020
By Zemke, Ron
Amazon's customers rating
Profiles the four distinct generations in the modern workplace and offers advice for managing effectively in an age-diverse workplace
Ranking at Amazon 1983209
AMACOM - American Management Association
October 1999 - Hardcover
Human Resources
Our price: $4.5 (list: $27)
Used from: $0.1
Information updated on 03/15/2020
By Peters, Tom
Amazon's customers rating
Transform white collar departments into "professional service firms" whose sole, powerful asset is knowledge.Idea: You are boss of a 23-person finance department in a division of a big company. Or,...
Ranking at Amazon 1454429
September 1999 - Hardcover
Innovation & Creativity
Our price: $11.9 (list: $17.95)
Used from: $1.09
Information updated on 03/13/2020
By Magretta, Joan
Amazon's customers rating
Covers management issues such as strategy, analysis, competition, leadership, and organization
Ranking at Amazon 13439932
Harvard Business School Press
September 1999 - Hardcover
Knowledge Management
Our price: $11.88 (list: $29.95)
Used from: $3
Information updated on 03/14/2020
By Dotlich, David
Amazon's customers rating
Chances are, if you're a manager in most any organization today, coaching has become an integral part of your responsibilities. And there's no more effective approach to coaching than Action Coaching.
Ranking at Amazon 1116891
September 1999 - Hardcover
Coaching, Mentoring, Counseling
Our price: $13.26 (list: $45)
Used from: $0.61
Information updated on 03/19/2020
By Evans, Philip
Amazon's customers rating
The new economics of information is blowing apart the foundations of traditional business strategy. According to Blown to Bits, your business definition, industry definition, and competitive...
Ranking at Amazon 1544664
Harvard Business School Press
September 1999 - Hardcover
Information Systems
Our price: $9.48 (list: $29.95)
Used from: $0.02
Information updated on 03/19/2020
By Brooks, John
Amazon's customers rating
The Go-Go Years "The Go-Go Years is not to be read in the usual manner ofWall Street classics. You do not read this book to see our presentsituation reenacted in the past, with only the names...
Ranking at Amazon 587652
September 1999 - Paperback
Financial Services Industry
Our price: $27 (list: $36.95)
Used from: $4.99
Information updated on 03/15/2020
By Nathan, John
Amazon's customers rating
An expert on Japanese culture uses his access to Sony's archives to chart that company's fascinating rise from the ashes of post-war Tokyo to a major international distributor of electronics and mass...
Ranking at Amazon 753711
Houghton Mifflin Co
September 1999 - Hardcover
Companies and Industries
Our price: $24.5 (list: $26)
Used from: $2.99
Information updated on 03/13/2020
By Berners-Lee, Tim
Amazon's customers rating
Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, has been hailed by Time magazine as one of the 100 greatest minds of this century. His creation has already changed the way people do business,...
Ranking at Amazon 734947
September 1999 - Hardcover
Our price: $17.45 (list: $26)
Used from: $1.06
Information updated on 03/16/2020
By Bryan, Lowell
Amazon's customers rating
Informed by the findings of McKinsey and Company's extensive investigations of the problems and practices of globalizing firms, this text contends that the rewards of building a great global firm in...
Ranking at Amazon 3597952
Harvard Business School Press
September 1999 - Hardcover
Our price: $9.95 (list: $29.95)
Used from: $0.25
Information updated on 03/19/2020
By Block, Peter
Amazon's customers rating
The second edition of the "consultant's bible" is here! For over fifteen years, consultants--both internal and external--have relied on Peter Block's landmark bestseller, Flawless Consulting, to...
Ranking at Amazon 208755
September 1999 - Hardcover
Our price: $18.45 (list: $55)
Used from: $1.04
Information updated on 03/19/2020
By Brooks, John
Amazon's customers rating
Once in Golconda "In this book, John Brooks-who was one of the most elegant of all business writers-perfectly catches the flavor of one of history's best-known financial dramas: the 1929 crash and its
Ranking at Amazon 576011
John Wiley & Sons
September 1999 - Paperback
Financial Services Industry
Our price: $29.14 (list: $34.95)
Used from: $2.54
Information updated on 03/15/2020